Our Next Six Month as Disciples

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Whenever a New Year approaches, we typically start hatching plans for what our year will look like. Looking towards 2021, we’re understandably chastened after seeing our plans get shot down in 2020. Who knows what the next year will look like? Truly, only God knows.

Even so, as your pastor for the next 6 months, I thought it would be good to sketch out for you RCC’s strategy for growing closer to God and to one another over the next 6 months. Our strategy is informed by the current realities of COVID-19, but also bears the marks of some optimism that conditions will improve over the coming months. It also reflects a broader vision that I personally hold for our future as a church. As important as learning biblical content is for our growth as disciples, no less important is our relationships with one another. Why? Because without the encouragement of our brothers and sisters in Christ, we will miss out on the full sum of personal growth God has for us. We will accumulate an encyclopedic knowledge of the Christian faith, while remaining blind to the many areas in which we need to grow as people. This is true for every Christian, both pastors and congregants, all of us need to share in a common life together if we want to follow the Way of Jesus Christ.

Accordingly, despite how devastating COVID-19 has been for sharing life together, I have created a pattern of activities in our church that I believe will hold us together over the next 6 months and give us strong footing for the future. No one group will accomplish every aspect of the discipleship process, but if we all get involved in the various groups and what they each uniquely offer, I believe we will have a very well-rounded process despite the challenges we face. Here are the groups which will have their place over the next 6 months:

Women’s Small Group – Both men’s and women’s small groups will be meeting on a bi-weekly basis on the same weeks. Sara will be leading the Women’s Small Group on Mondays at 7:30PM via Zoom. Their time together is discussion based and biblically oriented with a goal towards personal reflection and application. Sara provides a resource beforehand (podcast episode, blog article, etc.) to help start the conversation. (Starts 1/10)

Men’s Small Group –  I (Pastor Tom) will be leading the Men’s Small Group on Saturdays (bi-weekly) at 8:30AM. This group will start on Zoom and hopefully transition to in-person in a month or two. The men will be doing a discussion-based study of Paul’s letter to the Romans with the goal of having a firm understanding of the core claims of the Christian faith. Along the way, there will be opportunities to reflect and share the significance of these truths in our lives. (Starts 1/16)

Cruxial Studies: Defending the Faith – This is the capstone class of the “Making God Known” side of the Cruxial Studies curriculum (preceding classes: Gospel 101; Sharing Your Faith). We all know people who reject the claims of the Christian faith – if pressed to defend your beliefs would you be prepared? The aim of this class will be to equip you with the skills needed to navigate contentious conversations and to learn about the evidence for Christianity that can help persuade others and encourage your own faith. This class may take place entirely via Zoom if virus conditions don’t improve.

Mission Groups – What is something you love to do? Now take that and imagine using it to further the Gospel mission. Baking, auto-work, hiking, knitting, and so many other activities can be used to bless others and bring outsiders into contact with the Body of Christ. “Mission groups” are simply affinity groups with a greater purpose: they bring Christians together and aspire to draw seekers to Jesus. These groups will meet monthly and will be as numerous as there are interests and at least three people to form a group. These groups will start taking shape in January.

Men’s/Women’s Nights – Men’s and Women’s occur bi-monthly and simply provide an opportunity for a great time together as brothers and sisters. We eat, share in games and laughter, and often hear a small word of challenge and encouragement. They also serve as great opportunities to invite others into the life of our church! Obviously, these nights have been strongly affected by the virus, but we’re hopeful that by Spring they’ll be able to be reintroduced.

Below you’ll see the timeline for when these groups will be taking place. The Men’s/Women’s Small Groups will have some shorts break along the way. I want to strongly encourage everyone to get involved in this process for the sake of your own health and the health of our church. When your participation isn’t possible, please let me know so I can offer some options to help you in your walk. I’m encouraged to hear that some of you have taken the initiative to start one-on-one Bible studies and the like. It will help me greatly if you let me know you’re doing this so I can have a good read on how needs are being met and so I can offer some resources to help you along the way.


January Activities:

2  Women’s Small Group Meetings

2  Men’s Small Group Meetings

1  Mission Group Activity

February Activities:

2  Women’s Small Group Meetings

2  Men’s Small Group Meetings

1  Mission Group Activity

March Activities:

2  Women’s Small Group Meetings

2  Men’s Small Group Meetings

2 Cruxial Studies Class

1  Mission Group Activity




April Activities:

1  Women’s Small Group Meetings

1  Men’s Small Group Meetings

2 Cruxial Studies Class

1  Mission Group Activity

1 Men’s/Women’s Night (tentative)

May Activities:

2  Women’s Small Group Meetings

2  Men’s Small Group Meetings

2 Cruxial Studies Class (if needed)

1  Mission Group Activity

1 Men’s/Women’s Night

June Activities:

2  Women’s Small Group Meetings

2  Men’s Small Group Meetings

1  Mission Group Activity

1 Men’s/Women’s Night


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