Our desire is to see you grow closer to God.
Featured below are free study tools to help nurture that growth.
Blue Letter Bible
Blue Letter Bible makes it easy to do word searches in almost every version of the Bible. BLB also offers free commentaries and sermons for every text of Scripture, Hebrew/Greek text and definitions, and an easy-to-use toolbar for copying and pasting passages. Visit blueletterbible.org
RightNow Media
RCC has an account with RightNow Media, the Netflix of Christian Video Studies and Kids shows! Check out their library and click here to create your own account for FREE through RCC.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Want to read some Christian theology but don’t know where to begin? Well, it never hurts to start with the classics! The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is an online digital library offering a large selection of classic Christian texts from throughout Church history. What makes it so sweet is that it’s free! Check out ccel.org
The Bible Project
Understanding the Bible can be a daunting task. Sorting through all the laws, sacrificial rites, prophets, and grasping how these relate to Jesus can be difficult for anybody. The good news is that help has arrived! The Bible Project offers visually impactful animated videos that succinctly explain some of the most complex areas of Scripture. To learn more, dig around their YouTube channel or visit thebibleproject.com.
One Minute Apologist
Sometimes we are faced with questions about the faith that we don’t have easy answers for. While those questions are often worth careful study, it’s reassuring to know a source for some quick answers. The One Minute Apologist is a YouTube channel featuring short video responses from leading experts on many of these difficult questions. Search for your question on The One Minute Apologist channel.