Trinity Episcopal Church Food Closet

Our church provides ongoing support to the Trinity Episcopal Church Food Closet. We do this by collecting non-perishable food items and monetary gifts, especially at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

The Food Closet provides for 60+ families a month from the towns of Scituate, Foster, Glocester and Johnston. It is open Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00am-11:00am.

Together: Advance the Gospel

TOGETHER began in 2005 as a group of pastors meeting to pray for the Church and the gospel. Their united prayers evolved into collaborative community service efforts across Rhode Island, prompting the need for formal organization. Now, TOGETHER is a network of Bible-based, Christ-centered churches dedicated to loving and serving their communities while sharing the message of Jesus Christ. The initiative emphasizes prayer, care, and gospel sharing, believing that Divine Unity, as described in John 17:21-23, is the strongest witness of the Church. TOGETHER focuses on fostering unity through prayer, collaborative service, and gospel outreach in local contexts.

Rhode Island Right to Life


We proudly support Rhode Island Right to Life. To learn more about how they defend the unborn and help women and babies in need visit,

Teen Challenge, New England


Teen Challenge is a 15 to 21-month Christian residential drug recovery program that is part of a network of 10 Teen Challenge centers across New England and New Jersey. The program has a strong faith-based approach and offers spiritual, academic, and vocational training that equips individuals to return to society as responsible citizens.

We support the Providence, RI Women’s Center. Please visit their website at:

Lauren Watka Atwood


Lauren Watka Atwood serves as an InterVarsity campus minister at schools across Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. The college campus is a critical time where huge life decision are made: what kind of friends will shape me? What career will I pursue? What are my core values?

As a missionary to this unreached people group, she leads Bible studies, teaches spiritual practices, invites students to take risks with Jesus, and builds relationships with students from every corner of campus.

She longs for every student on every campus to know the real hope that is found in Jesus. You can learn about the national movement here:

Straight Ahead Ministries


Straight Ahead exists to see Jesus Christ transform the lives of juvenile offenders. More than three million children and youth are arrested each year in the United States.

We support Barbara Picard in her work with Straight Ahead Ministries where she serves as Communications Director and also works to write and produce curriculum to help with Straight Ahead’s ongoing mission. Please keep both Barbara and this important ministry in prayer.

Visit the Straight Ahead Ministries website at:

Advent Christian Outreach


We work in cooperation with other Advent Christian Churches worldwide to provide support for national and international missions efforts. For information on Advent Christian Outreach efforts go to:

Renewed Life Philippine Mission


This mission exists to bring desperately needed medical supplies to the poor and homeless of Mindanao Island in the Philippines. They accomplish this by partnering with multiple hospitals and organizations in the USA, taking used, yet usable equipment and shipping it to the Philippines, for use in hospitals and clinics there.

This work is done under the leadership of Bill & Gheng Farace. Whenever Gheng and Bill are back in Rhode Island we are glad to welcome them to our church and share in their blessings and prayer requests.

Visit their website at:

Overland Missions

We support a missionary doing work through Overland Missions.

Frontiers USA

We support a missionary working with Frontiers USA.

Frontiers is working to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples among Muslim peoples who don't know the saving message of Jesus Christ.

Our global priorities focus on the peoples and places with the least access to the Gospel. To this end, we work to recruit, train, and send teams of workers to live in Muslim communities and bring Christ's message to those who have yet to hear it.