Anxiety ceaselessly bubbles up within us. Worry is our most frequent state of mind. Yet it doesn't need to be this way. God wants a better way of life for us. But where does that begin?
Jesus tells us how to find peace in Matthew 6:25-34.
Read MoreAnxiety ceaselessly bubbles up within us. Worry is our most frequent state of mind. Yet it doesn't need to be this way. God wants a better way of life for us. But where does that begin?
Jesus tells us how to find peace in Matthew 6:25-34.
Read MoreWhat do we find in the empty tomb? Amazing Grace.
Read MoreAre you making the right investments? Your mind probably immediately goes to money, but we invest more than just money. We invest time, invest energy, we invest our hearts into all kinds of things. And all those investments tell a story about what's most important to us, about what what grips us. They reveal where we are trying to make our home.
In so many words, Jesus asks us this question in Matthew 6:19-24.
Read MoreWho is story of the prodigal son really about? Pastor Josh Alves from Oak Hill Bible Church takes us back to a familiar parable, getting our eyes off of us and onto God
Read MoreWhy do you do what you do? The good things that you do - what are your motives behind them? Again and again, Jesus takes out the scalpel to perform open heart surgery. He doesn't care about appearances, how you look on the outside - he wants to see what's going on in your heart. What does Jesus find in us when he does that?
Learn in Matthew 6 what Jesus sees this in this world, what he sees in us, and what Jesus wants to see in us if we're going to follow him as disciples.
Read MoreDo you know how to pray? Sometimes we don't know where to begin. Thankfully, Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray! Deacon Chris Grissom takes us into the Lord's Prayer as found in Matthew 6.
Read MoreJesus says we need to be perfect to enter God's Kingdom. But why? Why does God expect this of us?
As Jesus finishes out teaching the heart of God's Law in Matthew 5, He says a few things that give us an answer to this question.
Read MoreAre you good as long as you don't murder someone? As you might expect, Jesus has something to say about that.
Read MoreReading the Old Testament can feel like entering an alien planet - the customs seem strange and the laws exacting. When Jesus appears, he seems to offer a better way. But while the way of Jesus is the best, he didn't come to replace or get rid of God's Law as revealed in the OT. He came to fulfill it! He came to tie everything together.
Read MoreIn Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus teaches his disciples that they are the salt of the earth and the light of the world - sound intense? Well, whether you realized this or not, this is us! Join us as we learn what it means to be salt and light.
Read MoreWhat's so good about the Kingdom of God?
Many things! But in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus specifically teaches his disciples what promises belong to them even as they follow Him and go against grain of the world's formula for success. In God's Kingdom, that formula gets flipped on its head! Take a listen as Pastor Tom takes us into Matthew 5:1-12.
Read MoreAs Jesus proclaims, with words and signs, that the Kingdom of Heaven as at hand, he starts calling the disciples to follow him so he can make them fishers of men.
Read MoreWhat happens when Jesus gets tested by Satan?
Every person has broken trust with God at some point - it goes all the way back to Adam and Eve. Salvation begins with the restoration of trust, with someone breaking the pattern of defeat. Listen to Pastor Tom’s message from Matthew 4 to learn how Jesus does just that.
Read More"What would you do if I told you the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand?"
John the Baptist appears on the scene and Jesus gets baptized. We dig into the significance of these events and consider how they continue to compel a response from us today.
Read MoreWhen Joseph is forced to flee with Jesus and Mary from Herod’s murderous blood-rage, we see how God can use bad circumstances and trials to accomplish His will.
Read MoreLooking to the journey of the wise men, Pastor Tom Loghry prompts us to consider: “who do we worship?”
Read MorePastor Tom Loghry takes us into Matthew 1 wherein we learn the good news that Jesus Christ is the full realization of God’s promise that He would be with us and that our salvation begins with God becoming a human being.
Read MorePastor Tom Loghry takes us to John 1 where the Apostle reveals the hope of a new beginning for mankind.
Read MorePastor Tom Loghry reminds us why it’s important to understand the “bad news'“ if we’re to grasp why the advent of Jesus Christ is “good news.”
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